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Empower Your Firm and Your Clients With Collaborative Accounting™

With Collaborative Accounting, a new and advanced way of working with clients, your firm can showcase your advisory expertise while leveraging an intuitive platform for your clients.

Benefits of Collaborative Accounting™

Get back to doing what you love while creating and delivering a seamless client experience.  

Create Friction-Free Client Experiences

Reduce the time spent chasing client data by making it easy for you and your clients to work together in a single system, enabling you both to have the information and insights you need when you need it.

Elevate Client Relationships

Create a valuable framework through Collaborative Accounting to ensure you receive the financial data you need to assess a business’s health, growth, and performance so you can spend your time where it matters most – with your clients.

Enhance Your Business

Unlock additional value inside your existing client relationships by enabling your clients to manage more of their day-to-day finances and freeing you up to focus on delivering strategic services that create more value for your clients and your firm.

Deliver Advisory Value at Scale

Create a pathway to expand strategic services to your clients (without increasing your team) by minimizing the time spent fine-tuning client financials and maximizing the time spent guiding your clients as they grow.

Why Accounting Professionals Love FreshBooks Collaborative Accounting™

FreshBooks’ Collaborative Accounting offers the technology and workflows to start, grow, and expand your advisory practice. 

Client Friendly Platform 

With an easy-to-use platform and all the pre-accounting tasks organized in one central location, your clients can effortlessly keep their books up-to-date, and you won’t waste time chasing them for documentation or information. 

Collaborative Accounting™ Certification

We’ve designed learning resources tailored for accountants to align their firm’s goals, workflows, and technology together behind a strategy and platform that fosters trust and creates efficiencies while upskilling you on the product.

Best in Class Support

Our award-winning support team of product experts is always available to help you and your clients quickly onboard and leverage the platform for your specific needs. 

Grow Your Business With the Collaborative Accounting™ Certification 

Learn how to combine technology and workflows within FreshBooks to create a Collaborative Accounting system and work more closely and effectively with your clients. 

In under 4 hours, you’ll:

  • Earn a badge to signal your expertise as a FreshBooks-certified Collaborative Accountant™ 
  • Become a FreshBooks product expert with hands-on practice
  • Receive exclusive benefits, including a dedicated FreshBooks consultant and an extra discount on new client plans

Why Accounting Professionals Love Collaborative Accounting

The heart of advisory really is collaboration. That’s just understanding what the business owner is going through, where they’re trying to go, and being able just to tell them…….this is what we think you should do, and here is why

Chris Hervochon


“I don’t think it’s focused on how we can get the client to do more work. That’s not really what it is. It’s really, how can we get both sides in the relationship to do the things that are most valuable in the relationship that we’re building with our clients”

Michael Ly

Reconciled Accounting Services

It not only gives the clients transparency into our tasks but it gives us transparency into the client’s workflow and how they’re going to earn money. And so, that can now help us to advise them on how to get paid

Kristen Keats, CPA

Breakaway Bookkeeping & Advising

Become a FreshBooks Accounting Partner

This is the place to be for modern accounting professionals with service-based clients. Once you sign up, we’ll be in touch to get you started—whether you’re just looking for more information, or you’re ready to get FreshBooks-certified.
