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Other Reports

Reports in FreshBooks provide detailed data on various aspects of your business. There are seven types of reports you are able to access.

  1. Invoice Details
  2. Manual Journal Entry
  3. Payments Collected
  4. Profit and Loss
  5. Tax Summary
  6. Trial Balance

Access Requirements

AccessRequires Authorization


There are no includes for reports

Invoice Details Report

The Invoice Details Report shows all the information involving your invoices

Available Filters

Filter TypeNameFieldDescription
betweenstart_datedatecreated during or after the given date
betweenend_datedatecreated during or before the given date
Equalscurrency_codestringreports using the given currency as primary currency
Equalsclientidsintreturns data from specific client(s)
Equalstatusidsstringreturns invoices that has the same status as the given status. (draft, sent, paid, etc)
Equaldate_typestringreturns invoices with the specified date_type (issue or paid)

Field Descriptions

statusidsarrayThe status id(s) for the invoices. Used for filtering.
clientidsarrayThe client id(s) that are on the invoices. Used for filtering
end_datedateWill only return invoices that were created before the given date
date_typestringIf equals “issue”, Date will be the date the invoice was issued. If equals “paid”, date will be the date the invoice was paid.
invoiceidintThe unique id of the invoice
create_datedateThe date the invoice was created
due_offset_DaysintNumber of days from creation that the invoice is due
outstandingobjectSubfields: amount, code
amountstringthe amount of money that is owed or been paid
codestringthe currency that the amount is in
po_numberintpost office box number for address on invoice
linesarrayLines of the invoice
taxobjectsub fields: amount, code
paidobjectsub fields: amount, code
date_paiddateThe date the invoice was paid
v3_statusstringdescription of Invoice Status
discount_totalobjectsubfields: amount, code
invoice_numberstringuser-specified and visible invoice id
totalobjectsubfields: amount, code
subtotalobjectuser-specified and visible invoice id
currency_codestringthree-letter currency code for invoice
useridintThe unique id of the client
summaryobjectsubfields: total, paid, outstanding, download_token, company_name, start_date, currency_code
download_tokenstringthe download token allows you to download the report into a csv file
company_namestringthe name of the company that the report is refering to
start_datedatethe starting date for the expense report query
currency_codestringthree-letter currency code for invoice
lnamestringthe last name of the user
fnamestringfirst name of the user
organizationstringname of the organization the user is a part of
emailstringThe email of the user

Get Invoice Details Report


curl -X GET
-H "Authorization: Bearer <a token>"
-H "Api-Version: alpha"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"


  "response": {
    "result": {
      "invoice_details": {
        "statusids": [],
        "end_date": "2017-12-31",
        "clientids": [],
        "date_type": "issue",
        "clients": [
            "invoices": [
              "invoiceid": 638384,
              "create_date": "2016-04-04",
              "due_offset_days": 0,
              "outstanding": {
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "CAD"
              "po_number": null,
              "lines": [],
              "tax_summaries": [],
              "tax": {
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "CAD"
              "paid": {
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "CAD"
              "date_paid": null,
              "v3_status": draft,
              "discount_total": {
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "CAD"
              "invoice_number": "0000001",
              "total": {
                "amount": 0.00,
                "code": CAD
              "subtotal": {
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "CAD"
              "currency_code": "CAD"
            "userid": 144577,
            "summary": {
              "total": {
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "CAD"
              "paid": {
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "CAD"
              "outstanding": {
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "CAD"
              "lname": "Doe",
              "fname": "Jane",
              "organization": "Company and Co",
              "email": "JaneDoe@Example.com",
         "summary": {
           "total": {
             "amount": "0.00",
             "code": "CAD"
           "paid": {
             "amount": "0.00",
             "code": "CAD"
           "outstanding": {
             "amount": "0.00",
             "code": "CAD"
           "download_token": "bunch of letters and numbers",
           "company_name": "My Company",
           "start_date": "2017-01-01",
           "currency_code": "CAD"

Example Invoice Details with report filters


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/general_ledger?start_date=2023-02-01&end_date=2023-02-28&currency_code=CAD&locale=en' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'

Manual Journal Entry Report

Available Filters

Filter TypeNameFieldDescription
betweenstart_datedatecreated during or after the given date
betweenend_datedatecreated during or before the given date
Equalscurrency_codestringreports using the given currency as primary currency
EqualslocalestringLanguage to show on report

Get Manual Journal Entry Report


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/manual_journal_entry_report' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'


  "response": {
    "result": {
      "manual_journal_entry_report": {
        "company_name": "<company name>",
        "download_token": "<download token>",
        "start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "end_date": "2023-12-31",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "locale": "en",
        "summary_only": false,
        "summary": {
          "total_credit": {
            "amount": "1205.00",
            "code": "USD"
          "total_debit": {
            "amount": "1205.00",
            "code": "USD"
        "data": [
            "date": "2023-06-07",
            "journal_entry_data": [
                "entryid": 9130583,
                "journal_entry_detail_data": {
                  "date": "2023-06-07",
                  "description": "Basic description of the journal entry made.",
                  "entry_type": "adjustment",
                  "name": "JournalEntry",
                  "total_credit": {
                    "amount": "100.00",
                    "code": "USD"
                  "total_debit": {
                    "amount": "100.00",
                    "code": "USD"
                  "transactions": [
                      "sub_account": {
                        "sub_account_name": "Petty Cash",
                        "sub_account_number": "1000-1",
                        "sub_accountid": "95026d52-14ac-4008-9f81-c0e4ac77c3ce",
                        "account_type": "asset",
                        "account_sub_type": "Cash & Bank",
                        "parent_account": {
                          "account_name": "Cash",
                          "account_number": "1000",
                          "accountid": "2a990740-40d6-4529-a604-be0d68cf9d90",
                          "account_type": "asset",
                          "account_sub_type": "Cash & Bank"
                      "credit": {
                        "amount": "0.00",
                        "code": "USD"
                      "debit": {
                        "amount": "100.00",
                        "code": "USD"
                      "sub_account": {
                        "sub_account_name": "Sales",
                        "sub_account_number": "4000-3",
                        "sub_accountid": "d9172e15-0c23-42ea-95df-7099bd5799b8",
                        "account_type": "income",
                        "account_sub_type": "Income",
                        "parent_account": {
                          "account_name": "Revenue",
                          "account_number": "4000",
                          "accountid": "2695bc0b-e112-4a67-b052-5e64346482f0",
                          "account_type": "income",
                          "account_sub_type": "Income"
                      "credit": {
                        "amount": "100.00",
                        "code": "USD"
                      "debit": {
                        "amount": "0.00",
                        "code": "USD"
          < ... more journal entry data ... >

Example Manual Journal Entry Report with filters


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/manual_journal_entry_report?start_date=2023-02-01&end_date=2023-02-28&locale=en&currency_code=CAD' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'

Payments Collected Report

The payments Collected Report shows details regarding collected payments made to your business

currency_codearrayfilters payments by specific currency code(s)
start_datedatethe starting date for the payments collected report query
end_datedatethe ending date for the payments collected report query
clientsidsarrayfilters payments by specific client(s) using their client id
payment_methodsarrayfilters payments by specific method(s) of payments
download_tokenstringthe download token allows you to download the report into a csv file
totalsarrayholds total objects with subfields: amount, code
amountstringthe amount of money paid or owed
codestringthe currency that the amount is in
paymentsarrayholds payment objects with the subfields: invoiceid, description, clientid, amount, client, date, invoice_number, method
invoiceidintthe unique id of the invoice
descriptionstringthe description of the payment
clientidintthe unique id of the client
clientstringthe name of the business the client belongs to
datedatethe date of the payment
invoice_numberstringa custom id for the invoice
methodstringmethod of payment

Available Filters

Filter TypeNameFieldDescription
betweenstart_datedatecreated during or after the given date
betweenend_datedatecreated during or before the given date
Equalscurrency_codestringreports using the given currency as primary currency
EqualslocalestringLanguage to show on report

Get Payments Collected Report


curl -X GET
-H "Authorization: Bearer <a token>"
-H "Api-Version: alpha"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"


  "response": {
    "result": {
      "payments_collected": {
        "currency_codes": [],
        "end_date": "2017-12-31",
        "clientids": [],
        "payment_methods": [],
        "totals": [
            "amount": "114.77",
            "code": "CAD"
        "download_token": “A lot of characters“,
        "payments": [
            "invoiceid": 668361,
            "description": "",
            "clientid": 144599,
            "amount": {
              "amount": "114.77",
              "code": "CAD"
            "client": "Magic",
            "date": "2017-07-26",
            "invoice_number": "0000012",
            "method": "Bank Transfer"
        "start_date": "2017-07-26"

Search Example with Payments Report

Searching Payment information by Client

Request: GET

Profit and Loss Report

The profit/Loss Report shows all the information involving both your Profits and Losses

Available Filters

Filter TypeNameFieldDescription
betweenstart_datedatecreated during or after the given date
betweenend_datedatecreated during or before the given date
Equalscurrency_codestringreports using the given currency as primary currency
Equalscash_basedbooleanCash-based vs Accrual
EqualsresolutionstringSpecifies how often data is calculated and stored. For example, “3m” would specify to return data grouped in three month intervals.
Equalsfiscal_year_viewbooleantrue to use reporting data based on Fiscal year rather than calendar year
EqualslocalestringLanguage to show on report

Field Descriptions

net_profitobjectsubfields: entry_type, total, data, description, children
entry_typestringmethod of payment
totalobjectsubfields: amount, code
amountstringthe amount of money paid or owed
codestringthe currency that the amount is in
dataarrayData[] represents a row of values in the profit/loss report. Each row in the profit/loss report will output a data array. To populate data you must specify a resolution. For example resolution=3m with populate each data array with 4 amount objects
descriptionstringThe description for the net profit portion of the report
childrenarrayholds info on child profits/expenses
total_incomeobjectsubfields: entry_type, total, data, description, children
end_datedatethe ending date for the profit/loss report query
incomearrayholds income objects
labelsarraylabels is an array that holds all the months of profit/loss recording specified by resolution.
expensesarrayholds expense objects
download_tokenstringthe download token allows you to download the report into a csv file
company_namestringThe name of the company the profit/loss report belongs to
cash_basedbooleantrue toggles profit/loss to be calculated on collected payments rather than billed
total_expenseobjectsubfields: entry_type, total, data, description, children
resolutionstringspecifies the frequency that the profit/loss report is calculated. Example quarterly vs annually
start_datedatethe starting date for the expense report query
currency_codestringthree-letter currency code for invoice

Get Profit and Loss Report


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/profit_and_loss?start_date=2023-01-01&end_date=2023-12-31' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'

  "response": {
    "result": {
      "profit_and_loss": {
        "download_token": "<download token>",
        "start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "end_date": "2023-12-31",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "locale": "en",
        "company_name": "<company name>",
        "cash_based": false,
        "group_by_account": false,
        "dates": [
            "start_date": "2023-01-01",
            "end_date": "2023-01-31"
            "start_date": "2023-02-01",
            "end_date": "2023-02-28"
          < ... more date range buckets ... >
        "expenses": [
            "children": [
                "children": [
                    "children": [],
                    "data": [
                        "amount": "0.00",
                        "code": "USD"
                        "amount": "0.00",
                        "code": "USD"
                      < ... more data buckets ... >
                    "description": "Expenses",
                    "entry_type": "debit",
                    "account_uuid": null,
                    "total": {
                      "amount": "115.00",
                      "code": "USD"
                "data": [
                    "amount": "0.00",
                    "code": "USD"
                    "amount": "0.00",
                    "code": "USD"
                    "amount": "115.00",
                    "code": "USD"
                  < ... more data buckets ... >
                "description": "Education and Training (general)",
                "entry_type": "debit",
                "account_uuid": "4ffa4d5f-a6e7-478e-a835-53f785daa1b9",
                "total": {
                  "amount": "115.00",
                  "code": "USD"
            "data": [
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "USD"
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "USD"
                "amount": "115.00",
                "code": "USD"
              < ... more data buckets ... >
            "description": "Education and Training",
            "entry_type": "debit",
            "account_uuid": "4ffa4d5f-a6e7-478e-a835-53f785daa1b9",
            "total": {
              "amount": "115.00",
              "code": "USD"
          < ... more expenses data ... >
        "gross_margin": {
          "children": [],
          "data": [
              "amount": "0.00",
              "code": "%"
              "amount": "100.00",
              "code": "%"
            < ... more data buckets ... >
          "description": "Gross Margin",
          "entry_type": "none",
          "account_uuid": null,
          "total": {
            "amount": "100.00",
            "code": "%"
        "income": [
            "children": [
                "children": [],
                "data": [
                    "amount": "0.00",
                    "code": "USD"
                    "amount": "250.00",
                    "code": "USD"
                  < ... more data buckets ... >
                "description": "Adjustment",
                "entry_type": "credit",
                "account_uuid": null,
                "total": {
                  "amount": "450.00",
                  "code": "USD"
              < ... more children buckets ... >
                "children": [],
                "data": [
                    "amount": "0.00",
                    "code": "USD"
                    "amount": "316.67",
                    "code": "USD"
                  < ... more data buckets ... >
                "description": "Other Income",
                "entry_type": "credit",
                "account_uuid": null,
                "total": {
                  "amount": "316.67",
                  "code": "USD"
            "data": [
                "amount": "0.00",
                "code": "USD"
                "amount": "416.67",
                "code": "USD"
              < ... more data buckets ... >
            "description": "Sales",
            "entry_type": "credit",
            "account_uuid": null,
            "total": {
              "amount": "616.67",
              "code": "USD"
          < ... more children buckets ... >
        "net_profit": {
          "children": [],
          "data": [
              "amount": "0.00",
              "code": "USD"
              "amount": "416.67",
              "code": "USD"
            < ... more data buckets ... >
          "description": "Net Profit (USD)",
          "entry_type": "credit",
          "account_uuid": null,
          "total": {
            "amount": "401.67",
            "code": "USD"
        "total_expenses": {
          "children": [],
          "data": [
              "amount": "0.00",
              "code": "USD"
              "amount": "0.00",
              "code": "USD"
            < ... more data buckets ... >
          "description": "Total Expenses",
          "entry_type": "debit",
          "account_uuid": null,
          "total": {
            "amount": "215.00",
            "code": "USD"
        "total_income": {
          "children": [],
          "data": [
              "amount": "0.00",
              "code": "USD"
              "amount": "416.67",
              "code": "USD"
            < ... more data buckets ...>
          "description": "Gross Profit",
          "entry_type": "credit",
          "account_uuid": null,
          "total": {
            "amount": "616.67",
            "code": "USD"
        "resolution": "m",
        "labels": [

Example Search with Profit/loss report


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/profit_and_loss?use_ledger_entries=true&fiscal_year_view=false&cash_based_includes_all_accounts_beta_flag=false&start_date=2023-01-01&end_date=2023-12-31&resolution=m&cash_based=false&group_by_category_id=true&locale=en&currency_code=CAD' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'

Tax Summary Report

The Tax Summary Report that outlines the taxes involved with your sales

Available Filters

Filter TypeNameFieldDescription
betweenstart_datedatecreated during or after the given date
betweenend_datedatecreated during or before the given date
Equalscurrency_codestringreports using the given currency as primary currency
Equalscash_basedbooleanTrue ignores billed payments and uses just collected payments
total_invoicedobjectsubfields: amount, code
amountstringthe amount of money paid or owed
codestringthe currency that the amount is in
start_datedatethe starting date for the tax summary report query
end_datedatethe ending date for the tax summary report query
taxesarrayholds tax objects with subfields: taxable_amount_paid, taxable_amount_collected, net_taxable_amount, tax_paid, tax_collected, net_tax, tax_name
taxable_amount_paidobjectsubfields: amount, code
taxable_amount_collectedobjectsubfields: amount, code
net_taxable_amountobjectsubfields: amount, code
tax_paidobjectsubfields: amount, code
tax_collectedobjectsubfields: amount, code
net_taxobjectsubfields: amount, code
tax_nameobjectsubfields: amount, code
download_tokenstringthe download token allows you to download the report into a csv file
cash_basedbooleantrue toggles tax to be calculated on collected sales rather than billed
currency_codestringthree-letter currency code for overdue payments

Get Tax Summary Report


curl -X GET
-H "Authorization: Bearer <a token>"
-H "Api-Version: alpha"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"


 "response": {
  "result": {
    "taxsummary": {
      "total_invoiced": {
        "amount": "0.00",
        "code": "CAD"
      "end_date": "2017-12-31",
      "taxes": [
        "taxable_amount_paid": {
          "amount": "854.76",
          "code": "CAD"
        "tax_collected": {
          "amount": "0.00",
          "code": "CAD"
        "tax_name": "Tax One",
        "net_tax": {
          "amount": "0.00",
          "code": "CAD"
        "taxable_amount_collected": {
          "amount": "0.00",
          "code": "CAD"
        "net_taxable_amount": {
          "amount": "-854.76",
          "code": "CAD"
        "tax_paid": {
          "amount": "0.00",
          "code": "CAD"
        "taxable_amount_paid": {
          "amount": "854.76",
          "code": "CAD"
        "tax_collected": {
          "amount": "0.00",
          "code": "CAD"
        "tax_name": "Tax Two",
        "net_tax": {
          "amount": "0.00",
          "code": "CAD"
        "taxable_amount_collected": {
          "amount": "0.00",
          "code": "CAD"
        "net_taxable_amount": {
          "amount": "-854.76",
          "code": "CAD"
        "tax_paid": {
          "amount": "0.00",
          "code": "CAD"
    "download_token": "A bunch of Characters",
    "cash_based": false,
    "start_date": "2017-01-01",
    "currency_code": "CAD"

Example Search with Tax Summary report

Tax Summary using Collected instead of billed

Request GET:

Trial Balance Report

Available Filters

Filter TypeNameFieldDescription
betweenstart_datedatecreated during or after the given date
betweenend_datedatecreated during or before the given date
Equalscurrency_codestringreports using the given currency as primary currency
EqualslocalestringLanguage to show on report

Get Profit and Loss Report


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/trial_balance' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'


  "response": {
    "result": {
      "trial_balance": {
        "company_name": "<company name>",
        "download_token": "<download token>",
        "start_date": "2023-01-01",
        "end_date": "2023-12-31",
        "currency_code": "USD",
        "data": [
            "sub_accountid": "2a990740-40d6-4529-a604-be0d68cf9d90",
            "account_name": "Cash",
            "account_number": "1000",
            "account_sub_name": "Cash (general)",
            "account_sub_number": "1000",
            "debit": {
              "amount": "0.00",
              "code": "USD"
            "credit": {
              "amount": "25.00",
              "code": "USD"
            "account_type": "asset",
            "account_sub_type": "Cash & Bank"
            "sub_accountid": "95026d52-14ac-4008-9f81-c0e4ac77c3ce",
            "account_name": "Cash",
            "account_number": "1000",
            "account_sub_name": "Petty Cash",
            "account_sub_number": "1000-1",
            "debit": {
              "amount": "950.00",
              "code": "USD"
            "credit": {
              "amount": "0.00",
              "code": "USD"
            "account_type": "asset",
            "account_sub_type": "Cash & Bank"
          < ... more accounts data ... >

Example Trial Balance with report filters


curl --location --request GET 'https://api.freshbooks.com/accounting/businesses/{business_uuid}/reports/trial_balance?start_date=2023-01-01&end_date=2023-12-31&locale=en&currency_code=CAD' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer  <SET BEARER TOKEN>'